Power and Political Skills
I know you would love for the world to be just and your superiors to recognize what a fine person you are, how diligently you attack your tasks, and how long you have been patiently waiting for the recognition you deserve.
If you researched the Promotion Process in your organization before you accepted or fought for a position, you might know the path required. But most people are excited to get a job and hope they will perform as expected and be justifiably rewarded. Maybe you have now learned, that is not how it works.
I was once a manager in an organization that had 34 managers. We each got 10% of the revenues our sales division created for the company. I negotiated a 25% revenue share and was the only one to reap big rewards for doing the same work.
Without necessarily putting in more time, you can make your time more productive for your career and lifestyle. After all, isn't lifestyle the bottom line for how well we are doing. I bought too many cars with my income, but you can decide how you want to spend yours.
First learn how to acquire the power necessary to become valuable, contribute more, and lead. Those who are reaping the greatest rewards know how to play the game without much extra effort.
Politics is the game of reaching the position to make decisions and then how to get your ideas implemented. You can engage in this process before you have a title. It doesn't have to be distasteful or run against your core values. In fact, it is quite fun and makes your experience fulfilling.

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