Leadership Skills and Entrepreneurial Thinking
Two of the most positive skills for career advancement and acceleration are the skills of leadership and the thinking of entrepreneurs.
Leadership skills include creating a positive image such as Executive Presence. H/R Directors say those with Executive Presence advance quickest in organizations. This is the presence that gives confidence to followers and makes executing an agenda more efficient.
Emotional Intelligence is the highest rated skill of Leadership and a foundation of Personal Development. Understanding how to regulate your own emotions and read a room are considered crucial for executives.
Leaders need entrepreneurial skills like innovation, growth mindsets, resilience, and critical thinking. Leaders need to be entrepreneurial because they are tasked with leading organizations in these times of rapid change.
Learning how to empower others is a critical skill for leaders who want to enjoy a supportive culture. There is no "i" in team and approaching tasks with a "we" mindset encourages others to engage with enthusiasm.
The theme of this Coaching will be to create leaders and entrepreneurial talent before having a title. These two qualities will help you stand out in a crowd. Creating a personal brand of being dependable and caring is a top leadership quality that will make it easier to get vertical support from superiors who can advance a career quickly.