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About Mark

Mark has had leadership and coaching as a life theme. At the age of 19 he was running a family building material business because of a death in the family and after selling it began a career in real estate.

He progressed from salesperson to office manager and then regional manager of a Brentwood, Bevery Hills firm in California. He coached several hundred agents and managers in his service and learned the art of motivation and habits of the successful.

After retiring from real estate and pursuing his interests he wrote 24 books for Amazon on Personal Development while coaching clients in personal fitness and surfing. His current coaching is an extension of his knowledge and focused on helping people make Transformations in their lives and careers. 

Achieve Your Goals

The courses available support an executive, worker, and organization in elevating individual skills and ambitions to create meaningful contributions. 

Transformative Personal Development and High Vibrations are a foundation for everything a person wants to experience in both his career and personal life. 

Mark has enjoyed that his clients like working with him but more important, he aims for the client to really love themselves and their own accomplishment. 

Progress should be a steady experience as a person reaches their potential and discovers why they are here. Each goal achieved is a plateau to build the base for the next summit. 

Personal Development is the starting point for all goals to be achieved. 

The Vision and Mission


About Us

Mark Kaplan, CEO, has an extensive background in Leadership, Managment, Training and Coaching. With 24 books on Amazon on Personal Deveopment and 1,000's of students coached, he offers great insights into excelling in this competitive environment and discovering a life of fulfillment and purpose. 

Transformative Personal Development is key for aspiring workers who want to be Leaders and have Entrepreneurial Skills sought by Organizations in this environment. AI is only one of several challenges facing both workers and Executives responsible for Progress. 

Continuous Learning is a habit of leaders and can start now with training workers and executives to develop growth mindsets, engage in personal and skill training and learn their full potential in both work and their personal lives. 

The vision of these courses is to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives through personal development. The mission is to provide high-quality resources, expert guidance, and transformative experiences that inspire and equip strivers to achieve their goals and aspirations.


The opportunity to improve skills that elevate one's life and career is the life satisfaction desired by many workers.


Learning the many skills of leadership and entrepreneurship augment the leader's ability to motivate and lead. 


Organizations benefit when people are growing and anxious to learn how to advance their careers. Coaching is a service that benefits everyone. 

I felt stagnated as I put in my years and felt overlooked when promotions were available. After going through these courses, I gained a new perspective on what I could do to improve my status and contribution which has now benefited me greatly.   John Smithyman

I have always heard of the glass ceiling for women but discovered that organizations will recognize people with the right skills. These courses got me on the right path to bust through the ceiling and achieve the recognition I deserved-  Maria Styne