Self-Promotion is important for getting promoted. It is not vanity or bragging. It is promoting our contribution, expertise, and desire to contribute.
There are many ways to self-promote. Being an influencer is excellent for recognition in your organization and in your industry. Set the seeds for a competitor to highly value you knowledge.
Personal Development practices promote your willingness to improve who you are and how you show up. Your team and organization benefit when you raise your vibration and become a better team player.
Continuous learning can become obvious to those around and above you. Elevate your job skills and elevate the skills necessary for the next job. Learning signals ambition to make a bigger contribution.
Learning Executive Presence is a state H/R Directors says moves people fastest. It is a combination of communications, body language, decisiveness, accountability, and empathy. It encompasses all the hard and soft skills we admire in leaders.
Be the Problem Solver. Up and down the line there are problems to solve. The 7 Step Formula for Solving Problems is used by global organizations to address challenges. Get a guide on the Formula
Network Vertically to find sponsors and build relationships with people in charge of promoting. You never know where an opening may occur, and it might not be just in your department or division.
Network externally. One of my best promotions came from a competitor who knew about my good work from observation and reputation.
See more at the Learning Center
Read some good career books
#promotions, #leadershipskills, #personaldevelopment, #problemsolving