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Leadership Skills for Promotions

You can develop leadership skills for promotion. We think we only need leadership skills when people report to us, but we can build these skills in any role and draw attention that can get us noticed. 

Attaining leadership is a different effort than most employees anticipate. Organizations often hire from the outside because they feel they need experience and a track record. Getting promoted from within requires standing out and gaining attention. 

H/R Directors will testify that Executive Presence (EP) is a state that gets employees promoted fastest. This could be considered an accumulation of soft skills and hard skills. EP is a presence; an air of authority and command. The first way to establish it is with body language. Body language tells people more than words how you feel about what you are saying and how you feel about yourself.

The second strong factor is communications. How you communicate verbally and in writing shows a command for the language and emotional intelligence. Communicating in clear precise language is important. Listening is just as important. Speaking up and providing ideas or your opinions will gather attention and respect. 

Empowering people to perform is a strong leadership trait. Encourage those you work with and offer to help with overloads. Be the team member that encourages and is adaptable to change. Leaders need their teams to be adaptable and look for people who can lead through change. 

Relationship building and networking are key. Build strong relationships among your peers and network up and down the hierarchy. Get mentored and sponsored by leaders. Network externally to build influence and create opportunities. Network with competitors. They would be the most likely to hire you. 

Learn to solve problems. There is a formula used by global organizations that has 7 steps and is more effective than the process most companies use. It starts with a vision and transitions into finding root causes, creating options and then a plan. If you can install this process in your existing probem solving and look for problems to solve, you might get targeted for bigger assignments. 

You could move up the ladder. If you want to talk about your current situation, reach out for a free discussion. https://tinyurl.com/mhjyu2t3

Get a guide on Problem Solving to become an expert.  https://markap.gumroad.com/l/uztyc

#promotions, #leadershipskills, #personaldevelopment, #entrepreneurialthinking.