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5 Things We Are Missing in Overwhelm
personal development and overwhelm

Key Points

First: Be Aware of Your State and Keep Your Mental and Emotional States in Mind at All Times

Second: Have a Plan to Alleviate the Pain and Get the Support Necessary

Third: Have Self-Compassion to Realize Your Wellbeing Should be Your Priority

Ever felt overwhelmed at work? You're definitely not alone.

That feeling of drowning under to-dos can be suffocating. But often, it's not just the workload itself that's overwhelming—it's what's missing in our approach to managing it. Here are five critical things that, when absent, can leave us feeling swamped:


Mindfulness: When we're overwhelmed, we're usually anything but present. Our minds race through tasks, meetings, and deadlines at a hundred miles an hour.

Practicing mindfulness—taking a moment to breathe deeply and focus solely on the present—can help calm the storm in our heads. It’s about quality over quantity in our thoughts and actions.

Self-Care: This is usually the first thing to go out the window when our schedules pack up. But ignoring self-care is like letting your phone battery drain without ever recharging it.

Whether it's getting enough sleep, eating right, or squeezing in some exercise, taking care of our health is crucial for maintaining our stamina and clarity.

Boundaries: It's easy to say yes to everything and everyone. But without clear boundaries, work can spill into every hour of our lives, leaving no room for rest or play.

Setting boundaries on your time and what you commit to can help keep that overwhelming flood of responsibilities at bay.

A Plan: Ever noticed how overwhelm tends to sneak up when we're not quite sure what to tackle first? That's where a good plan comes in. Organizing tasks, setting priorities, and breaking down projects into manageable steps can provide a clear path forward and make everything seem less daunting.

Support: Trying to handle everything alone is often a recipe for stress. Having a support network—colleagues who can lend a hand, a mentor to offer guidance, or even friends to vent to—can make a massive difference.

Support is not just about getting help with tasks; it's also about having someone who understands and encourages us. I have always said, it only takes one person to believe in us to sustain us.

If you find yourself constantly overwhelmed, take a step back and consider what might be missing. Integrating mindfulness, self-care, boundaries, a solid plan, and a supportive network into your work life isn't just about reducing stress—it's about setting yourself up for sustained success and well-being.


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