Who is not trying to be successful. We all are. What gets in our way? Sometimes it's timing or external circumstances or even bad bosses. Too much of the time it is our own subconscious playing on our mind that creates boulders in the road.
I have faced this a number of times, big and small. I have had some high paying management jobs that were extremely stressful. At some point, I would tell myself, I can't take this anymore, it's killing me. The truth was, it was often a bad day or the failure to have a bigger Vision that included some bad days.
The demons could be a limited mindset that tells us we have all the knowledge, talent and skill we are ever going to have and so the obstacles will remain the obstacles. Or we may have a growth mindset with big plans that slips back into a fixed mindset and fails to see a way out.
Those who are successful in a field in which we are newer are kind enough to tell us to keep striving. You will have bad days. You deserve to chase your dreams. Don't listen to the part of your mind and subconscious that say, "you shouldn't be doing this".
How did we go from cave man to colonizing Mars? Why would anyone even think we could pull this off? People have big dreams and tremendous self-belief systems that withstand all kinds of negative feedback that try to discourage them. Henry Ford failed 3 times and the feedback could then have told him to get a nice job as a salesclerk. But no, he had the need to create his imprint.
The book "Think and Grow Rich" has been a bible for the successful for decades. it says, drive, drive, drive. Create good habits, have belief and don't ever, ever, stop. So when you are having those bad days or sleepless nights, remember it is part of the journey and many have been there before you.
#success, #personaldevelopment, #leadershipdevelopment, #careergrowth.