We are all in a hurry and if you get a feel for social media and even Linked In you will see people discussing dissention, resistance, and difficulties with life satisfaction. They are some reasons surveys show up to 80% of workers are looking for other opportunities.
A bad work environment meaning discord with superiors or lack of recognition, dim prospects for the future, and no connection between one's output and the final result. I have been there. As a manager in real estate, I had frequently been caught between the dictates of superiors and what I want to see happen for the agents.
Dissention leads to burn out. What did help me was a clear Vision of the future, a strategy, and daily actions. I had an excellent situation with a residential real estate office in the prime neighborhood of Brentwood in West Los Angeles. I had a Vision of us being the number one office in the city.
I worked on the Vision and let other things slide off my back. I recruited agents that wanted to win. I trained, inspired, coached, and gave lots of feedback with monthly meetings. Those agents took on Visions of their own and learned skills. We did arrive at the number one status by numbers when we hit $100 million in production.
Today I have a Vision of helping others reach their goals. My strategy is to understand strategic thinking, coaching, and marketing. My daily action begins with a morning routine and then working in time blocks during the day to accomplish the most difficult tasks that will move the needle.
Personal Development is a great foundation for developing personal habits that are uplifting and create resilience. No goal is achieved without continually facing obstacles, setbacks, and disappointment. In Personal Development we learn how to do self-care, learn continually, be grateful, build relationships, and never lose track of the Vision.
If you feel like you have lost your way, the first step back is to get clarity of what you want in your career and your life. What are your key core values? What kind of impact do you want to make and what do you see when you visualize success? Can you commit to a Vision and get through all the obstacles until you reach your dream?
Talk to me if you would like to just flush out all your thoughts. https://tinyurl.com/5su9ws47
#success, #personaldevelopment, #strategicplanning, #leadershipdevelopment