Self-Reflection, Mindfulness, and Self-Care should make you optimally productive. When you take care of the activities that your soul needs, it will turn on your energy, creativity, and ambition, because there is nothing left for you but success.
I begin with a great morning routine and lean into my most demanding and forward-looking project. Big gains come from big energy so getting into your sweet spot will yield the best results. Each day I plan the projects I need to reach my goals. I always feel great because I embrace what I need.
It's sad that so many people dread their days. Finding the work that fuels your soul will make you the person you desire to be. You can go by what the Navy Seals say: 'Impossibility is a Self-Imposed Limitation. "
If you want something, you will find a way, otherwise you will find an excuse.
Determine what you need in a day to excite your energy. Time block the necessary space to indulge. You will make up for it with optimum results. Your activities should include learning, exercise, relaxation, good nutrition, and contribution. These all fire up the happiness chemicals in your brain like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins.
Working on what you love will drop you into flow where extreme athletes have found their peak performances. They live for the feelings they experience, not getting to the top of mountains. Your journey should be about the feelings you want to experience and not necessarily the conclusion, because then you have to start again.
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