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Self-Care Should Be the First Performance Metric
self care should be a priority

Why shouldn't taking care of ourselves and finding out who we are be priorities? Personal Development emphasizes self-care while reaching our potential.  We often get lost while getting squeezed by too many demands and not being able to find ourselves in the mix. 

There is tremendous pressure to perform in our world. The pressure to live up to expectations maybe the cause of many illnesses.  This is why understanding who we are gives us the guidance to live by our values.  

In The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler who describes how extreme athletes risk their lives for the feelings they experience. We all want to find those exciting feelings by learning more about ourselves and what we can accomplish. Personal Development guides us on that quest. 

Life is short and you only have so many days to make your impact on the world. Lots of resistance tries to tell us we can't do it, but Personal Development in creating the big Vision of how life wants to live through us is the real goal we can win. 

If you have an interest in a quest for self-discovery and making a bigger contribution while feeling great about yourself, let's talk a few minutes about what that looks like. Schedule a short conversation on my Calendly. https://tinyurl.com/3p8htjwf

#personaldevelopment, #leadershipdevelopment, #careergrowth