Statistics show a high percentage of the workforce feels stuck, unnoticed, and passed over. 85% surveyed by Linked In said they were seeking other opportunities. Employers could vastly cut this statistic by training their people for advancement.
Confidence, Courage and Gravitas are the qualities of great leaders. These qualities are traits that can be learned, practiced, and mastered. You could change who you are and how you show up.
Leaders and Entrepreneurs have drive and are willing to take chances on the future. They are innovators, resilient, and accountable. Innovation can begin with a bold Vision of how things could be different. Imagine instead of making $80,000 a year, you envisioned making $80,000 a month. Too bold for you? This is the work of Entitlement. You can't envision what you don't feel entitled to.
A growth mindset says what other people think are failures are just learning steps for people with Vision. Startups actually prioritize failing fast to learn quicker. A bold leader is willing to make mistakes because his mindset is to bounce back and be accountable to his team and organization for missteps.
Continuous learning is a process all great leaders practice. It makes you bold. It creates challenge that takes you out of the comfort zone. It will make you stand out when you are continually developing new skills and knowledge.
Finally, but by no means last, is the ability to Adapt. All organizations want people who can adapt and leaders who can lead through change. These are Personal Development skills that prepare for the current climate of constant change.
If you harness these practices into your persona, you will be noticed.