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Where Do We Get the Confidence, Gravitas, Charisma to Lead?
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Introduction. Great leaders have great soft skills that often appear as their most important qualities. It’s like the code that exists under beautiful websites.

The Code requires creating. Great leaders are great communicators, and the first question is where does their inspiration start that powers their words?

It begins with their own vision of how they want to be, what they want to achieve, what they want to see for others, and how they are the person to make it come true.

This is also the basis of Passion. Great leaders are passionate about their Cause. They have clarity. They are committed. They have great resilience because the World is full of resistance. If it were not for resistance, everyone would be rich and famous.

Personal Development is the beginning and the continuation of the Power to Motivate. Personal Development props us up each morning to face the challenges of achieving our Vision. 

#personaldevelopment, #leadershipdevelopment, #careergrowth, #confidence